Publications & Media


Pendergraft, L. T., Marzluff, J. M., Cross, D. J., Shimizu, T., & Templeton, C. N. (2023). American crows that excel at tool use activate neural circuits distinct from less talented individuals. Nature Communications14(1), 6539.

Pendergraft, L. T., Marzluff, J. M., Cross, D. J., Shimizu, T., & Templeton, C. N. (2021). American crow brain activity in response to conspecific vocalizations changes when food is present. Frontiers in Physiology12, 766345.

Pendergraft, L. T., Lehnert, A. L., & Marzluff, J. M. (2020). Individual and social factors affecting the ability of American crows to solve and master a string pulling task. Ethology126(2), 229-245.

Pendergraft, L. T., & Marzluff, J. M. (2019). Fussing over food: factors affecting the vocalizations American crows utter around food. Animal Behaviour150, 39-57.


Conference Presentations

Pendergraft LT, Marzluff JM (2018) Fussing over food: factors affecting the vocalizations American crows utter around food. Speaker. American Ornithological Society (AOS) Annual Meeting. Apr 11-14. Tuscon, AZ.

Pendergraft L (2016) The influence of human feeders on American crow calls. Poster Presentation. British Ornithologists’ Union (BOU) Annual Meeting. Apr 5-7, 2016. Leicester, UK.

Rice M, Dolman R, Franks M, Pendergraft L, Ophir AG (2012) Pups reared without fathers show more social curiosity but reduced boldness. Animal Behavior Society (ABS). June 10-14, 2012. Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Pendergraft L, Bates-Albers L, Duell M, Zuniga E, Abramson CI, Cakmak I, Barthell JF, Hranitz JM, Wells H (2011) Feature positive and feature negative learning in honey bees. Poster Presentation. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) Annual Meeting. Jan 3-7, 2011. Salt Lake City, Utah.

Duell M, Apted T, Hall N, Bates-Albers L, Pendergraft L, Zuniga E, Sorucu A, Abramson CI, Aydin L, Barthell JF, Cakmak I, Oruc HH, Wells H, Hranitz JM, Ikizoglu D, Selova S (2011). Lethal and sublethal effects of flumethrin (VAROS-TOP®) on the Anatolian honey bee in the Republic of Turkey. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) Annual Meeting. Jan 3-7, 2011. Salt Lake City, Utah.

Pendergraft L, Bates-Albers L, Duell M, Zuniga E, Abramson CI, Cakmak I, Barthell JF, Hranitz JM, Wells H (2010). Feature positive and feature negative learning in honey bees. Poster Presentation. Cameron University’s Oklahoma Research Day. Nov 12, 2010. Lawton, OK.


In the Media

One benefit to working in a lab whose focal animal is so charismatic is that we often end up in the news. Here are some links to media stories that feature me and my research.

I’ve been featured in a few KUOW stories focusing on crows. This one discusses why crows roost together in such large numbers, and this one focuses on just how smart they are.

I’m on Bill Nye! Those of you with a Netflix subscription can watch Season 3 Episode 6 of Bill Nye Saves the World; my lab mates and I talk about our research on crows and what makes these birds so intelligent. We make an appearance around 7 minutes into the episode.

I was (briefly) mentioned in the digital version of the Feb 2018 issue of National Geographic! It’s all about smart birds (my favorite topic).

In 2017, people at the Cork Institute of Technology started getting attacked by crows. This attracted a lot of media attention, and Ethan Shaw, from Earth Touch, contacted me to get my professional opinion on what was going on

The March/April 2016 issue of Audubon focused entirely on corvids, and my lab’s current work on crows was the main article! The author (Kat McGowan) gives a comprehensive overview on how we use PET imaging to study the activity within a crow’s brain- a major component of my PhD research. In addition to my work, McGowan also covers my colleague Kaeli Swift’s examination of crow funerals, and my advisor’s early research on ravens.

This March 2016 Associated Press story has appeared in several different news outlets, and it gives a basic overview of the Seattle crows and what the we’re studying here in the Marzluff lab.

This CBS story from April 2015 talks about our lab’s facial recognition discovery and a beneficial side-effect of crows being able to ID specific people.